EMA's Earth Month Streaming Guide

As we enter April, we enter a period of reflection and action known as Earth Month. It's a time when global communities unite to focus on environmental awareness and sustainability. Earth Month isn't just a symbolic gesture; it's a practical reminder of the importance of preserving our planet's resources. It is a platform for discussing climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution.

As April unfolds, we find ourselves presented with an opportunity to explore a collection of films on streaming platforms that resonate with the spirit of Earth Month. This guide will navigate several documentaries and fictional narratives that shed light on environmental issues and our interconnectedness with the planet.

In today's digital age, it's easy to become disconnected from nature amidst the buzz of technology. However, through the lens of these films, we can pause to reflect on our relationship with the environment and the impact of our actions. In their distinct way, these films serve as a poignant reminder of our interconnectedness with the Earth and the importance of environmental consciousness, making them perfect choices for viewing during Earth Month.

Fantastic Fungi (2019)


From addressing medical breakthroughs to environmental restoration, "Fantastic Fungi" illuminates the multifaceted contributions of fungi in navigating some of humanity's most pressing challenges. Through the insights of esteemed scientists such as Paul Stamets and acclaimed authors like Michael Pollan and Eugenia Bone, we gain a profound appreciation for the intelligence and resilience of the fungal kingdom.

Ice on Fire (2019)

Amazon Prime

"Ice on Fire," produced by Oscar-winner Leonardo DiCaprio and directed by Leila Conners, is a groundbreaking documentary unveiling innovative solutions to combat our environmental crisis. Beyond the conventional climate change discourse, the film offers hope by highlighting immediate strategies. 

Kiss the Ground (2020)


The documentary delves deep into soil regeneration to unveil a pathway towards stabilizing Earth's climate, restoring ecosystems, and ensuring abundant food resources. "Kiss the Ground" eloquently portrays how soil, through the sequestration of atmospheric carbon, holds the key to addressing humanity's greatest challenge. This film inspires a movement towards achieving the seemingly impossible — balancing the climate and securing a sustainable future for generations to come. And don't miss the filmmakers' newest doc, "Common Ground," which won best documentary at the 33rd EMA Awards

The Minimalists: Less is Now (2021)


"The Minimalists: Less Is Now" on Netflix offers a poignant reflection on minimalism and its profound implications for environmentalism. The show encourages viewers to reassess their relationship with consumerism and material possessions by advocating a lifestyle centered on simplicity and intentional living. 

A minimalist lifestyle inherently promotes environmentalism by fostering a mindset prioritizing reducing waste, conserving resources, and minimizing our ecological footprint. Through the lens of minimalism, the show highlights the interconnectedness between personal choices and environmental impact, inspiring viewers to embrace a more sustainable way of life.

All that Breathes (2022)


Shaunak Sen's "All That Breathes" revolutionizes the environmental documentary genre, skillfully illustrating the interplay between animals and humans with a blend of sharp analysis and poetic storytelling. Over an extended period, Sen closely shadowed Mohammad Saud and Nadeem Shehzad, siblings from New Delhi, as they embarked on a mission to save birds of prey from the escalating harm caused by urban pollution.

Do you still need more streaming recommendations? Check out our list of past EMA Green Seal recipients for Sustainable Production. 

Lexi Fleck is in her 2nd year at UCLA, majoring in Sustainable Urban Design and minoring in Film.

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