Five Documentaries about Ocean Conservation to Stream Now

World Ocean Awareness Month ended in June. Still, it is never too late to recognize its significance –- EMA has compiled a list of five powerful documentaries related to ocean conservation. Documentaries have long been a powerful medium to raise awareness and encourage action on critical issues. Further, documentaries significantly shed light on our oceans' challenges and motivate individuals to protect these ecosystems. That's why so many ocean-focused documentaries have won EMA Awards


2021, Watch on Amazon Prime Video

"Fin" was directed by EMA Board Member Eli Roth and produced by Leonardo Decaprio and Nina Dobrev. Throughout the documentary, Roth travels worldwide, revealing shark extinction alongside scientists, activists, and researchers. In recent decades, shark populations have plummeted due to several factors, including overfishing and bycatch. The documentary shows an urgency regarding these issues, creating detrimental effects throughout the food chain. 

"Fin" exposes the cruelty of shark finning, challenges misconceptions, and has the power the influence individuals to want to make a difference.


2019, Watch on Amazon Prime Video

Captain Paul Watson, co-founder of Greenpeace and founder of Sea Shepherd, has spent 40 years fighting against destroying the ocean's wildlife and habitat. Additionally, Paul Watson was a powerful speaker at our EMA Impact Summit that occurred in April.

"Watson" is a powerful documentary highlighting Captain Paul Watson's dedication to marine conservation. "Watson" ignites change by highlighting courageous direct action, personalizing environmental activism, and raising awareness. We learn about the power of individual commitment and collective efforts as we follow Captain Watson's remarkable journey.

Chasing Coral

2017, Watch on Netflix

Experience the alarming phenomenon of global coral reef decline as you immerse yourself in the captivating documentary "Chasing Coral." Accompany a daring team of divers, photographers, and scientists on an exhilarating oceanic expedition aimed at unraveling the mysteries behind the unprecedented disappearance of coral reefs worldwide.

The "Chasing Coral" production company, Exposure Labs, shares a beautiful vision. Exposure Labs aim to create a world in which transformative stories can bring healing to our relationship with the planet and each other and create an equitable and sustainable future for people worldwide.

Mission Blue

2014, Watch on Netflix

"Mission Blue" is a documentary about Dr. Sylvia Earle, a world-renowned oceanographer known for her work in studying and conserving the world's oceans. Throughout the film, she explores her remarkable journey from being a deep-sea diver to becoming the first female chief scientist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The film focuses on protecting marine ecosystems from overfishing, pollution, and climate change. "Mission Blue" inspires viewers to participate in ocean conservation by showing captivating underwater footage and interviews. It seeks to spark a global movement to preserve ocean life and protect the environment.

The Cove

2009, Watch on Peacock

"The Cove" examines the annual dolphin hunt in Taiji, Japan. Ric O'Barry, a former dolphin trainer, is among a team of activists fighting to expose the brutal practices and hidden secrets related to the hunt. In the documentary, thousands of dolphins are herded into a hidden cove and brutally slaughtered for their meat. 

"The Cove" brings together investigative journalism, activism, and cinematic storytelling to shed light on dolphin hunting, the dolphin entertainment industry's involvement, and the health risks of eating dolphin meat contaminated with mercury. As well as exploring the cultural and economic forces behind the hunt, it raises ethical questions regarding the treatment of marine mammals and humanity's responsibility.

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Lexi Fleck is in her 2nd year at UCLA, majoring in Sustainable Urban Design and minoring in Film.

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