EMA Weekly Forecast: 2015 EMA Awards Wrap-Up

2015 EMA Awards Wrap-Up: Thank You to Everyone who Helped make our 25th EMA Awards an Inspiring and Emotional Evening!


Wow. What a wonderful, inspiring and emotional night for EMA! Our 25th Anniversary Awards show, presented by Toyota and Lexus, was one of our best yet. From the Green Carpet to our AMAZING Host Lance Bass, the entire night was one memorable moment after another. Most importantly, we were able to harness the power of media to spread positive, often urgent, environmental messaging. This is what EMA is all about. Every speech motivated us to do even more to help save our one and only planet, and we hope it did the same for you. Of course, none of this green goodness would've been possible if it weren't for our sponsors, supporters, guests, Warner Bros. for hosting, and all the individuals who worked so hard to make it happen. And a special thank you to Hillary Harris Events and Hillary’s creative vision that again created the most extraordinary and beautiful event…yes, we’ll say it… in Hollywood. From all of us at EMA, THANK YOU!!

2015 EMA Awards Winners

We would like to give a big thanks and congratulations to all of our nominees and winners. We encourage you to view our list of nominees and take the time to watch them all; many are streaming on Netflix and iTunes. These movies, documentaries, and TV shows effectively use their medium to spread important environmental messaging, and will continue to inspire people into action for years to come. That all being said, here are your 2015 EMA Awards winners.

Feature Film: Interstellar (Paramount)

Documentary Film: Virunga (Netflix)

Television Episodic Drama: The Newsroom: (HBO)

Television Episodic Comedy: The Simpson’s: Opposites-A-Frack (Fox)

Reality Television: Vice: Our Rising Oceans (HBO)

Children’s Television: Miles From Tomorrowland: Junked (Disney)

Participant Media Presents Best Digital Short: Dear Future Generations: Sorry

2015 EMA Awards Honorees

We would also like to thank and congratulate our inspiring lineup of Honorees. Whether it be through their lifestyle, careers, or creative projects, all seven of them have made a major positive impact on the environmental movement. Below are a list of Honorees and their Awards.

Don Henley (EMA Missions in Music Award)

George Miller (EMA Lifetime Achievement Award)

Gwyneth Paltrow (EMA Green Parent Award)

Kristin Davis (EMA Wildlife Conservation Award)

Van Jones (EMA GreenBiz Global Innovator Award)

Zem & James Joaquin (EMA Corporate Responsibility Award)

In addition to our Nominees and Honorees, we'd like to extend another big thank you to everyone else who attended the Awards show. It's always a great feeling to see familiar faces from our Board mingling with old friends and new. Let's keep the momentum going and continue to grow, organically of course, our EMA family and inspire more people to be #green4ema!

Finally, a huge thank you to all of our amazing sponsors! Without you, none of this would be possible.

The EMA Awards Rock the Internet

We've been really thrilled at the overwhelming coverage that the 25th Annual EMA Awards have received this year from the press and social media. As our hits keep coming, so does the attention to the diverse issues highlighted this year.  We’re so thrilled that everyone is clearly so passionate about the various ways that each of us can make a difference and we are so much more empowered by the solutions that are offered to us by the technological advances that we are now seeing become our reality.  Here are a couple of our links:

Variety: Gwyneth Paltrow, Lance Bass Urge Action on Climate Crises at Environmental Media Association Awards

People: Stars Saving the World: Photos from the Environmental Media Awards

Huffington Post: Gwyneth Paltrow Shines In Mermaid Dress At Environmental Media Awards

The press page on our site will be filling up with many more as they come in.

Make sure to follow us on social media, links at the bottom, and share your favorite #EMAawards photos and memories with us!


EMA Board Member Stana Katic and The Alternative Travel Project Need Your Help! Please vote!

EMA Board Member Stana Katic and ATP want you to GOcarLess in Los Angeles. Fewer cars means cleaner air, less congestion, and healthier citizens. Here's a brief description of the project,

"The Alternative Travel Project (ATP) is a non-profit organization that motivates individuals in LA to GOcarFREE by using alternative travel methods (pedestrian, public, bicycle & gas-free new tech) for social, health and environmental benefits.

We're here to be of service to Los Angeles' public transit systems, and to start a dialogue about what we can all do to help create safer & more accessible alternative transit.

We genuinely believe support for car-free transportation infrastructure will create a better Los Angeles.

Through our efforts we aim to increase public usage of ATP infrastructure & we will work with lawmakers to create a more expansive & even safer system."

Vote ATP for LA2050 Here! Please help get others to vote by sharing on social media.

Voting closes Tuesday, November 3, 2015 @ 12pm.


Join EMA as a Member, and Together We'll Inspire Sustainable Solutions


In case you haven't already joined or heard, we at EMA announced our membership program at last weekend's Awards. Membership is open to the public and easy to join.

By joining EMA, you'll help support projects such as #GreenMySchool. This organic school gardening program, beginning in 2016, will expand our local garden program, and launch a nationwide initiative. #Greenmyschool plans to bring celebrities back to their hometowns to build organically grown gardens in their very own elementary schools. Further, membership will help initiatives such as #ActInParis and GMO-Labeling. Together, we'll help inspire people to live more sustainably, and encourage them to be vocal and active in their communities. To learn more about our programs, click here.

Along with becoming members, our package offers a complimentary Sustainable Starter Kit! The kit contains tons of digital coupons from Gardein and Earth Friendly Products. So eat healthy and clean healthy courtesy of EMA.

Join EMA Here!

We can’t thank you enough for all the support you have given us throughout the years. Our membership program starts the next generation of our community as EMA reaches out past Hollywood to promote changes all over the globe!

Once you join, be sure to share with friends and family via social media and email! The more voices we add to our cause of protecting the environment and inspiring sustainable living, the louder we can be! Here's a quick-and-easy copy and paste tweet to send out once you've joined.

Please RT! You can now join EMA and me as we inspire green solutions for a sustainable future ->   @green4ema


Click around and check out all our excited programs, past awards coverage and our new membership page…

Thank you, and welcome to the team!

Environmental News and Stories

Great News! Global Deforestation Rate has Been Halved Since the 1990s

It's probably safe to assume we're all tree huggers here, which is why this comes as welcome news in a world where all the bad percentages seem to keep going up and up. Though we wish we could celebrate zero deforestation, we have to be realistic. The fact that this deforestation percentage is going down is a sign of hope. According to the article,"Over the past quarter century, forests have seen a net loss of some 319 million acres, an area just larger than South Africa. But between 2010 and 2015, an average of 0.08 percent of the world’s forests was lost each year, down from 0.18 percent each year in the 1990s, according to the report."

And if you need reasons as to why a lower rate of deforestation is a good thing,

"Forests make up about 30.6 percent of global land area. That wooded land provides a home for animals and a storage locker for carbon dioxide. About 296 gigatons of carbon is stored in the world’s forests. As trees grow, they trap CO2 . When they die, that carbon is released back into the atmosphere."

Though much damage to the world's old forests has already occurred, we have the miracle of nature on our side. If left untouched, forests can, over time, rehabilitate. We must fight to protect further more and more acreage of forests and, in the words of Sir Paul McCartney, let it be.

Stop the Sport Hunting of Elephants


We're all feeling determined and galvanized to help save elephants from extinction after Honoree Kristin Davis' incredible speech at the EMA Awards. If you haven't watched "Gardeners of Eden" do it right now! It's streaming on Netflix. As you may know, things are not going so well for elephants. According to the article,

"Recent censuses have revealed an unmistakable decline in the elephant population in many parts of Africa. In the past five years, 60 percent of Tanzania’s elephant population has disappeared, and more than 40 percent of Mozambique’s elephants have been killed. Between 2002 and 2013, 65 percent of Africa’s forest elephant population has been wiped out. In addition, elephants throughout Africa are threatened by rapid habitat loss, human-elephant conflict and poorly regulated hunting practices."

The sport hunting of elephants needs to stop immediately. There are far better ways to acquire funds for conservation than allowing the murder of these beautiful mammals. Please read the article and support organizations such as AWF and DSWT in its efforts to save elephants.

6 Tips for a Greener Halloween


Halloween should be spooky because of horror movies, haunted houses, jack-o-lanterns, etc., not because of a significant addition in our carbon footprint. To many of us, the idea of non-organic candy, non-sustainable palm oil, and single-use costumes are as scary as Freddy Kreuger on a bad day. Have no fear! The internet is here. To make your Halloween orange, black, and green, check out these six great tips for a more sustainable holiday. Oh, and if you go with tip number three, make sure you send us an e-vite.

How are you going green for Halloween?

The 5 Best Environmental Stories of October 2015


We'll end this newsletter on a positive note, well, five positive notes. From climate change to wildlife conservation, October saw some real environmental progress. Here's to much more in the coming months!

Read the List Here!

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