EMA Green Seal for Sustainable Production Spotlight: FORGE

Lights, camera, climate action! Any movie or TV set can commit to sustainable practices, from student films to indies to tentpole blockbusters. Ensuring a creative project doesn't come at the expense of our planet is a lot of work. The cast and crew must align on the goal and point persons (usually sustainable set Production Assistants) must oversee the process. That's why the team at EMA loves to highlight such hard work. Everyone involved in sustainable production deserves their flowers. 

It was a great pleasure to speak of Liz Glass of the indie film FORGE to learn about their EMA Green Seal experience. 

Liz Daering-Glass is an independent film producer from Miami, Florida. She has previously worked at the Sundance Institute, The Walt Disney Company, and DreamWorks Animation. Liz graduated from Johns Hopkins University with a degree in History of Art and earned an MFA in Producing from the American Film Institute Conservatory. Currently, she is in post-production on her debut feature, FORGE. The film takes place in the art world of Miami, where siblings Raymond and Coco Zhang run a forgery ring. When the Zhangs cross paths with millionaire Holden Beaumont, they're coerced into creating counterfeit masterpieces as a front for his old American family's art collection, only to become entangled in a web of deception.  

What motivated you to seek our EMA Green Seal for FORGE? 

As an environmentalist, I always strive to enhance the eco-friendliness of my personal and professional life. During the early stages of developing FORGE, writer/director Jing Ai Ng and I discussed the importance of setting ambitious environmental goals for the production. The film industry is rife with visible and hidden waste, and it's our duty as filmmakers to actively reduce our environmental footprint. 

You filmed in Miami. How did the location align with your sustainability goals? Did the city's infrastructure and waste mitigation help or hinder your sustainable goals? 

Filming in Miami, one of the cities most vulnerable to climate change made it especially crucial for us to prioritize environmental measures. However, we encountered challenges with the city's basic environmental support systems. For example, Miami-Dade County recycles only about 19% of its waste, and the infrastructure for recycling and other sustainable practices needs to be improved. This meant we had to be vigilant in ensuring we disposed of materials properly and met our sustainability goals. 

How did the cast and crew adapt to the EMA Green Seal protocols? Did it take some convincing, or were they on board? 

Overall, the cast and crew were enthusiastic about contributing to FORGE's sustainability efforts! Many of the EMA Green Seal protocols seamlessly integrated into their existing workflows, and they were motivated to achieve even higher sustainability goals. However, we encountered some resistance from individuals who were more accustomed to traditional practices. Through open discussions and exploring alternatives with our amazing Green Production Supervisor and Co-Producer Alykhan Nurani, we reached compromises and ultimately achieved our environmental objectives. 

Why is it critical for indie productions to commit to sustainable practices on set? 

Sustainable practices are attainable at every budget level. Producers and UPMs often worry that adopting environmentally friendly methods will jeopardize the budget and negatively impact the bottom line. However, we implemented significant changes to our low-budget feature, particularly in costumes and G&E, which even resulted in financial savings. Embracing sustainability is the future of indie filmmaking, and it begins with each of us contributing to that effort. 

Finally, how can people watch and support FORGE? 

We are currently in post-production, so watch for us on the festival circuit in early 2025! 

Click here to see a complete list of EMA Green Seal recipients

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